Our Team

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Jon Blaser

Jon is our founder, a potato farmer by birth and accountant by choice. He has always been a numbers guy, but his budding obsession with technology is the seed that grew up to become Advisage RVA. Jon only ever wears blue shirts to work, but that’s because it’s his color and anyway he’s got things to do, numbers to crunch, knowledge to share, etc. Activities that fill up Jon’s free time include listening to tech podcasts, catching up on his honey-do list, biking to achieve that coveted calf-implant look, and having a darn good time with his family.

How Jon serves

Jon’s strength lies in the the language of listening, which is why advising comes so naturally to him. He doesn’t shove answers down your throat; rather, he ensures clients understand the pros and cons of financial and business decisions.


Ann Thomas

Ann started out as a mechanical engineer, but one accounting class had her head over heels for the tax and finance world. Working with Ann you’ll quickly realize her vice is Diet Coke, but without a doubt her virtue is caring client service. Seriously, she needs to write a book on great client service already. She loves spending time with her husband and their two dogs in an empty nest since their three kids are in college and beyond. With so much free time again Ann has discovered that yoga and traveling are pretty fun to do.

How Ann serves

Ann is passionate about delivering authentic client service, supplemented with her tax and financial knowledge. Luckily for clients, because she is so approachable and dependable, her value is limitless.


Elisabeth Dowdy

Elisabeth has been a self-proclaimed dork for math since her childhood when she did math packets for fun. Now she keeps the books here at Advisage RVA where her unparalleled attention to detail is a little scary, but in a good way. It's fitting, though, since she loves visiting haunted houses during Halloween. Elisabeth has also built an impressive resume as a classical professional singer, and has even acted in a few short films and commercials, basically resulting in fame now that she's been credited on IMDB. She enjoys traveling to see underground bands perform above ground and watching classic or indie movies. She gets to go home everyday to two cute kiddos and her husband, Marcus.

How Elisabeth serves

Elisabeth makes things happen no matter how impossible the task. We like to call her our “accounting sheriff” because she’s so good at keeping client books in order.

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Laurajane Finley

Laurajane never thought she’d be working at an accounting firm with a journalism degree, yet here she is and she’s not even mad about it. She wears quite a few hats around the office, but her favorite one is content manager. All of the blog and social media content flow from her creative capabilities, so feel free to @ her. Outside of work, Laurajane enjoys snuggle-bugging her dog, camping with her husband (who is an extremely good sport), and doing even more creating.

How Laurajane serves

Laurajane has changed the traditional accounting stereotype here with creativity. She uses that same innovative approach with all of the Advisage RVA content we produce.